Urbanscope – looking things

Urbanscope – looking things


The Urbanscope is an iron monocle that invites you to take a different look at the landscape’s hallmarks, icons that “talk” about the soul of the city/village. A circular section through a tube that avoids the use of technological accessories makes you focus on a specific point and reveals its location in relation to the position you occupy. Printed on the vertical stand, you will find interesting information about that view that will help you understand what you are seeing.

Statement of the jury

Urbanscope, based on an idea that is as wonderful as it is intelligent, helps to focus one’s view of the landscape, thereby re-interpreting the principle of signposting. A formally appealing and functionally successful design.


Excellent Communications Design


Projecto Cosimo


Projecto Cosimo, João Pestana, Luis Caldeira, Luis Castro Fernandes, Sérgio Castel-Branco