Centre d’information Château de Vianden

Centre d’information Château de Vianden


In 2000, the archaeological excavation dig site in Vianden Castle was roofed for protection. In 2015, an information centre for the visitors of Vianden Castle was installed, using floating concrete bridges above the dig site. This was then finalised in 2017 – the interior design keeps its distance from the excavations and allows room for the scenography of the exhibition. Glass, metal and concrete are the main materials used to lead the visitor from one didactic point to the next.

Statement of the jury

The roofing of the archaeological sites was managed carefully and with a great deal of respect for the historical heritage. Through the use of wood, concrete and, above all, glass, the design achieves a modern, contemporary style of architecture that draws the visitor’s attention to the archaeological finds.


Excellent Architecture
Interior Architecture