VG Bild-Kunst Broschüre

VG Bild-Kunst Broschüre


VG Bild-Kunst protects the rights of creative people in the fields of art, photography, design and film and distributes royalties to its members for every image of a work being used. »Copy« is the visual theme of this brochure with open thread stitching, which is divided into two parts: »Fact« explains the services of VG Bild-Kunst, »Talk« provides an insight into the daily work of the collecting society. All sections of the brochure begin with »V«.

Statement of the jury

The use of the copier defines the spot-on design of consumer society on how the rights of creators are perceived. »Copy« forms the main subject in reduced and convincing design, »Fact« the services while »Talk« grants insight into everyday work. High point: stylistic presentation of the total royalties distributed. As a result, the Swiss brochure with open-thread stitching is exceptionally successful in establishing as a design principle what the Bild-Kunst copyright collective stands for.


Excellent Communications Design
