FNR digital annual report 2020

FNR digital annual report 2020


In addition and complementary to the printed annual report (printed and distributed in one-hundred samples) targeted at the scientific and institutional sectors, we created a complementary online version with user-interactivity and audiovisual content. Thus, while informing about research in Luxembourg, the digital version also allowed us to convert scientific data into something more appealing to the general public and, therefore, more accessible.

Statement of the jury

In addition to the printed annual report from FNR with a run of 100 editions — geared towards a scientific and institutional audience — a supplementary online version with user interactivity and audiovisual content was also created. The online version impresses with beautiful animations and makes scientific data more appealing and in turn more accessible to the broader public. All in all, an impressively realised piece of work right down to the last detail, which perfectly combines modernity and sincerity in its unusual design.


Excellent Communications Design
Online Publications


FNR (Luxembourg National Research Fund)


lola strategyandesign