Multi-aged community centre in Poggio Picenze (Italy)

Multi-aged community centre in Poggio Picenze (Italy)


The centre is dedicated to three young victims of the earthquake and it is one of the few buildings built in the affected area. It was completed in just one year thanks to the solidarity of many Italian citizens. The zigzag shape of the building commemorates the destructive event but at the same time, the green façades and roof want to inspire hope for the future, both in nature and humankind.

Statement of the jury

With its unpretentious architecture, the landscaped roof and the use of natural materials for the facades, the cultural center blends harmoniously into the landscape, a factor which is assisted by the climbing supports for plants. This is an interesting building which will become increasingly beautiful over time.


Excellent Communications Design


Comitato Centro Ricreativo Poggio Picenze