Encore Dunhuang Theatre

Encore Dunhuang Theatre


Facing the boundless Gobi desert, nothing is more glamorous than the mirage of a pool of fresh water under the blue sky. Such a metaphor inspires creativity and gives life to the theatre. It rises gradually along the north ground, hiding its huge mass into the vast Gobi desert under the shade of dim-boundary glass; the green of glass layer-upon-layer in intervals of three-metre interweaves with the mosaic blue on the sloped roof-like waves, and merges the theatre into the surroundings, colours and light.

Statement of the jury

The way in which the design creates the illusion of water is fascinating. It is also impressive how the monumental construction was harmoniously integrated in the desert landscape. A fantastic design of iconic quality.

Special Mention

Excellent Architecture


Gansu Sikuwenhua tourism investment Co., Ltd.