Fortschritt spüren – Crossmediales Direct Mailing für den Launch des neuen Audi A4

Fortschritt spüren – Crossmediales Direct Mailing für den Launch des neuen Audi A4


The high-circulation mailing intelligently and aesthetically illustrates the Audi A4 slogan “Feel Progress”. Inspired by the “You drive this. You feel this.” campaign, emotionally charged questions on fold-out pages lead to technical highlights, which can also be experienced interactively. Scanned by the customer’s smart phone, a personalised QR code leads to numerous pages with further multimedia content. Customers literally “Feel Progress” in a cross-media combination of print and mobile.

Statement of the jury

“Feel Progress” is the tagline for a campaign featuring a contemporary design. The campaign’s claim becomes visible and palpable, not only by dint of its product related content, but also by adroitly connecting print and smartphone media in a fashion that transposes the brand experience to the digital realm.