Zhuhai National Park Gateway

Zhuhai National Park Gateway


At 10,000 hectares, Zhuhai National Park, characterised by the presence of the bamboo sea, aims to preserve this unique environment using limited local technologies with a deep respect for the bamboo forest. The park gateway has been designed as a dense assembly of vertical lines, a denser cluster which can be randomly spotted in the bamboo sea. The gate aims to emphasise the bamboo, which is hidden in the forest while at the same time also creating an iconic entrance for the park.

Statement of the jury

The structure made of vertical bamboo poles draws on the aesthetics of impenetrably dense bamboo forests, while at the same time inviting visitors and offering protection thanks to the large entrance. A modern-looking, yet pleasantly simple design that blends perfectly into the nature environment and climate of the national park.


Excellent Architecture
Urban Space and Infrastructure